
This class is organized in a sequence of topics. For each topic, we first cover basic concepts in an instructor-driven lecture, after which we read papers on the topic and discuss them in class. Below is the approximate class schedule, along with major dates for homework deadlines, midterm, and project milestones.(*) While those dates are set in stone, the specific lecture topics and papers that will covered at each date may change up until the week before.

Topic 0: Course introduction

01/24 Lecture

Topic 1: Privacy risks and attacks

01/31 Lecture

01/31 HW 1 released (due 02/20)

02/07 Reading & discussion

02/07 Project rollout

Topic 2: Differential privacy (DP)

02/14 Lecture

02/20 HW 1 due

02/21 Reading & discussion

02/21 HW2 released (due 03/13)

02/27 Project proposal (one page, on courseworks)

Topic 3: DP deployments and systems

02/28 Reading & discussion

02/28 Project update: proposal (informal)

Topic 4: Secure multiparty computation (MPC)

03/07 Lecture

03/13 HW2 due

03/14 Reading & discussion

03/14 HW3 released (due 04/10)

Topic 5: Midterm project update

03/28 Midterm project update: progress and three steps (formal presentation)

Topic 6: Homomorphic encryption (HE)

04/04 Lecture

04/10 HW3 due

04/11 Reading & discussion

04/11 Project update: step 1 executed (informal)

Topic 7: Hardware enclaves

04/18 Lecture

04/18 Reading & discussion

04/18 Project update: step 2 executed (informal)

Topic 8: Compositions, tensions of privacy technologies, and broader

connections with non-privacy properties

4/25 Lecture

04/25 Project update: step 3 executed (informal)

Final project presentation

05/02 Final project presentation (formal presentation)

(*) We are distributing the papers from our own repository to avoid problems with unstable Internet links. The originals can be easily found by searching for papers’ titles/authors.